

Over the past 10 years Mission 4 Media team have managed the social media accounts of over 100’s of restaurants, hotels, wedding venues, top selling authors, business moguls, billionaire entrepreneurs, start up brands, yoga studios, etc…

Mission 4 Media takes the time to get to know the needs and goals of each business in order to build out a personalized social media strategy. This process creates a sense of team and trust resulting in long lasting business relationships.

We now help other agency owners, coaches, and consultants access the same systems we used to grow to 7 figures in under one year.


James Furman
James Furman

James is a true entrepreneur at heart! Seriously, his photo should be found at the top of your google search of the word. He relentlessly works to hit every ad campaign out of the park! Nothing brings James more enjoyment than the happiness of his clients’ businesses booming, except maybe spending time with his family or building his next dream car online. 

He was able to lead his team in building a 7 figure ad agency from scratch in 1 year. Okay, so he did bring over 7 years of social media marketing experience prior to making the leap from the good ol’ 9:00 - 5:00 to 24/7 entrepreneur. When you speak to James, take advantage. He knows his stuff!

James spends hours each day learning the newest ways to market businesses online, while utilizing leadership-based sales techniques that have brought him great success along the way. He has a serious arsenal of social media tactics to help any business owner obtain the results they are looking for through social media.

James now helps other agency owners and coaches with a Done-For-You Program building their irresistible offer, creating a flood of appointments, and providing a sales team to close the deals.

Your key to success, as operations shift and growth occurs, will depend on your coach-ability as we develop an incredible culture for your brand. The focal point of a company's mission, in order to avoid collapse, and ultimately thrive must be built around truly serving customers. 


Most operators think they are prepared for this shift. The truth is, you aren't. Personal growth will be necessary and uncomfortable at times. Shifts will occur within your team. Cuts will likely be made, as accountability begins to expose who your contenders are, and who your pretenders are. It’s not personal, it’s business. 


In order for everyone to win, a business can only afford to have leaders who pull their own weight and add value to the mission, not anchors that are holding you back.


If your business is ready for a powerful shift that empowers you to maximize your potential, the Journey to 7 Figures team members are the key players you need to make it happen!


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